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Federal Grants

Prelude Prep Charter School

Procedures for Public Notification and

Opportunities for Public Comment


All federal grants include provisions and assurances that a grant recipient agrees to comply with when accepting a grant award. The documents describing the provisions and assurance associated with a federal grant monitored by the Texas Education Agency are linked to each eGrant application listed on the TEA Grant Opportunities page. All school districts and charters who apply for and receive funds through the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) grants annually indicate their assurance they will comply with the grant provisions and assurances.  ESSA assurances include the following commitment: That “before the application was submitted, the applicant afforded a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the application and has considered such comment.” (ESSA Provisions and Assurances ( p.43, I; 2021-2022 Federal Special Education Program Specific Provisions ( p5, J).

Specific federal grants such as the ARP ESSER III also include provisions and assurances as described in the Program-Specific Provisions and Assurances.  The ARP ESSER III grant includes the expectation that the LEA “engaged in meaningful consultation with stakeholders and gave the public an opportunity to provide input in the development of its plan for the uses of ARP ESSER III funds.” (ESSER III Program Specific Assurances (, p.5, R-U). Further, the Provisions and Assurances describe the specific groups who must be included in the outreach for comment.


This document outlines the manner in which Prelude Prep Charter School will meet these requirements.

The notice of intent to participate in a federal grant is provided to the school community on a posted agenda and during the open portion of the scheduled school board meeting.  Members of the public are invited to make comment to the board.

 Additionally, Prelude Prep Charter School may solicit additional public comment using methods such as website postings and announcements, surveys sent out to stakeholders, student surveys, campus-based meetings, focus-group meetings, community group meetings or small group meetings.

The Prelude Prep Charter School leadership may use additional methods to provide public notice of grant participation and solicit and receive public comment as grant guidance and time constraints require.


Request for public comment on federal grant applications: 2021-2022.

In accordance with federal regulations, an entity planning to submit a federal grant application must afford a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the application that is submitted to the Texas Education Agency for approval. The following are the federal grants Prelude Prep will submit for approval for the 2021-22 school year. Prelude Prep welcomes comments or questions concerning any of the grants listed below. Please submit any comments or questions via the survey link below. 

The survey can be accessed at the following URL: ESSER Supplemental Survey


ESSER Supplemental (ESSER-SUPP) provides additional resources to pay for unreimbursed costs due to the coronavirus pandemic and for intensive educational supports for students not performing satisfactorily.

(Anticipated allocations:  2021-2022 ($6,250) and 2022-2023 ($6,250))